About Us

Sharing our passion: Our Photographer Trip Leaders

Our photographer trip leaders Richard L. Camp, Brian Leary, and Melody Sky are accomplished professionals and educators who love to share their sense of adventure and life-long knowledge of filmmaking and photography. Whether you are just starting your photographic journey or an advanced photographer, our trips cater to all skill levels. We’ll help you realize the photographic experience of a lifetime. You’ll also enjoy personalized instruction beyond the technical to help you begin to visualize possibilities, improve your workflow, and acquire color grading and retouching skills.

Meet the team

Camp Photo Tour leader Richard Camp photographing a monkey at the Swoyambhu Mahachaitya temple in Katmandu, Nepal.

Richard L. Camp

Photographer | Tour Leader

As the founder of Camp Photo Tours, Richard is a world traveler and image maker with numerous film, video and photography credits.

A photograph of Brian Leary aiming his camera to take a picture of the photographer taking this picture.

Brian Leary

Photographer | Workshop Leader

Brian's mission is to bring the photography experience to other camera enthusiasts through private instruction and group workshops.

Melody Sky

Adventure Photographer | Tour Leader

Melody is an award winning adventure photographer and filmmaker based in Verbier Switzerland.

Some of our favorite places in the world.

These destinations have special memories for our tour leaders. If you have a chance to visit any of these magical places, post a photo to our instagram site and tell us about your experience. Want to go? Send an inquiry about future tours and workshops to our favorite destinations.

Level Up your photography. join a Tour or Workshop.

A photography tour group prepares to take sunset photographs in Peru.

Join a Tour

We will reply with deposit instructions, an updated itinerary, recommended equipment and a packing list.

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